
All the facts, information, data, news and notifications on this website has been seized from various sources, experts and authorities. It is not based on the personal knowledge of proprietor and title holder PLS. Consequently, although proprietor and title holder have done their best efforts and relentless struggle to provide with the authentic, demonstrable and genuine information and data as far as possible.

However, they don’t claim to any representation and warrant that the information and data containing material is fully authoritative, certain and accurate. While the proprietor i.e  PLS endeavors and strives to answer all the possible questions and suggestions/advice with complete loyalty, allegiance and conviction. There is no personal interest and desire in it. But it should be considered only as a matter of opinion. The inspectors and visitors to this website can deliberate, discuss, argue and confer with the experts regarding relevant fields and disciplines such as legal councils, financial consultants, real estates advisors etc. In case of any ambiguity, doubts, suspicion, and uncertainties before taking any decision, the proprietor will not be responsible of any outcomes and aftereffects.

The material or information accessible In PLS come from the varied origin and are not established upon the exclusive mastery of the owner of the group i.e PLS. On that account, yet the owners have used their foremost physical or mental power to come up with genuine or helpful information or data that would be bonafide for You. Yet they don’t claim that the material or particular data on this group are fully sure or error-free.

 While the owners of PLS try hard to answer all types of questions in an easy way and to freely transfer the opinions and advice in all the aspects related to studies such as time management, depression, lack of self-confidence, good faith, social issues, comparison with another student and much more. And the same may only be observed and regard it as a matter of opinion and advice. 

Visitors and students of PLS can discuss the things to the owners of PLS in the relevant fields or subject like study info, career counseling, preparatory notes, material of Test,  past papers, guidance and much more. If any visitor or student of PLS acts upon such information, guidance and opinions and are doubtful with it, in that case, the family of PLS doesn’t deal with any outcome or consequences of that issue.

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