KMU MDCAT Past Papers Reconduct 2023

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KMU MDCAT Reconduct Past Papers 2023

KMU MDCAT Reconduct Past Papers 2023

1 / 200

What is primary function of Grignard reagent in organic reactions?

2 / 200

Statement: Due to increasing pollution, the government bans to use of all single-use plastic products from next years, “Courses of Action:

  1. An awareness campaign is introduced by the government to encourage people to use eco-friendly products.
  2. Subsidies to be provided to companies that manufacture eco-friendly products.

3 / 200

Observe and the pattern and select the next term in the sequence:

P5QR, P4QS, P3QT, _____, P1QV

4 / 200

Read the following statements and identify the best cause and effect relation. (I) For the past four years, the district’s literacy rate has been rising. (II) The district administration organise a thorough training program for the volunteers working on the literacy campaign

5 / 200

Read the following and choose the correct answer. Mice are to cats as goats are to,

6 / 200

Some months have 31 days, how many have 28?

7 / 200

Read the paragraph carefully and answer the question given. “Over the past century the businessman has helped build civilization’s great cities, provided people with luxuries and lifted his fellow citizens to a certain standard of living. Further seeding the industrial revolution around the world.

8 / 200

Choose the correct option. We must ______ the tickets for the movie in advance.

9 / 200

To cut off the head”. idiom means:

10 / 200

Choose the sentence with correct word order.

11 / 200

Choose the correct sentence:

12 / 200

Add suitable conjunction in the given sentence. Your ice cream will melt, you should eat it quickly.

13 / 200

Correct the given sentence:

14 / 200

The Queen of England “bestowed a title upon the man who saved her life from a fatal accident. What does the word BESTOWED mean?

15 / 200

The money, property, etc that is used to start or operate a business is called

16 / 200

In prolonged space flight, besides the obvious hazards of meteors, rocky debris, and radiation, astronauts will have the deal with muscle atrophy brought on by weightlessness; therefore, when they return to Earth, they face a protracted period of weight training to rebuild their strength. What is the most likely meaning of the word “debris” as it is used in this passage?

17 / 200

The phrase “spiffed up” stands for:

18 / 200

How much spoonfuls of sugar would you like in your tea? Identify the part of the sentence that carries error:

19 / 200

The police _______ arrested the suspect

20 / 200

The synonym for “promptly” is:

21 / 200

______ you like a cup of coffee?

22 / 200

Maria _______ that she could not attend classes next week.

23 / 200

The dogs ______ escaped

24 / 200

We are all looking forward _______ the announcement of election soon.

25 / 200

______ going to sleep, I like to read for half an hour.

26 / 200

Which of the following quantities is correctly matched to its unit?

27 / 200

Which of the following materials have a negative temperature coefficient?

28 / 200

Which of the following best describes inertia?

29 / 200

What is the rest mass of a photon?

30 / 200

What happens to a football which is inflated in a warm room, is used to play outside in cold weather?

31 / 200

Weber is the unit of

32 / 200

There are 2 pianos playing the same note, however the vibration from one piano is 223.20 Hz and that of the other is 223.50 Hz. The beat frequency between the two tones will be?

33 / 200

The waves in which the particles of the medium vibrate about their mean position along the direction of propagation of the waves are called

34 / 200

The thermal energy required to cause a unit temperature rise is called

35 / 200

The SI unit of electric potential is:

36 / 200

The SI unit of capacitance is

37 / 200

The resistance of the conducting material depends upon

38 / 200

The radial acceleration is also considered as:

39 / 200

The primary purpose of rectification in an electrical circuit is to

40 / 200

The number of waves passing through a certain point in unit time is called.

41 / 200

The instantaneous power supplied to a circuit is a product of the ______ and _____.

42 / 200

The domestic electricity supply has a frequency of

43 / 200

The distance covered by sound wave per unit time is called

44 / 200

The device used to adjust voltage levels in an electrical circuit is called

45 / 200

The current produced by a generator is called

46 / 200

The Compton’s effect is the phenomenon that describes

47 / 200

The capacitance of capacitor depends upon

48 / 200

The bird perching on a high-power line does not get electroshock. This is because.

49 / 200

The absolute potential energy of a spaceship on the surface of the earth is:

50 / 200

The ability to produce an electromotive force by changing the magnetic field inside a coil is used to generate.

51 / 200

Ohm’s law states that the current is directly proportional to _____ and inversely proportional to _______

52 / 200

Newton’s 3rd law of motion is correlated with

53 / 200

Measure of displacement covered with passage of time is called.

54 / 200

Magnetic flux is maximum when the angle between the magnetic field and the normal to the plane of finite area is

55 / 200

In case of doppler effect, the apparent frequency will be _____ the actual frequency when the source moves towards the stationary observer

56 / 200

In three dimensional Cartesian Coordinate system (x,y,z), you have two vectors A and B. Vector A has components Ax= 4, Ay=3, and Az=2, while vector B has components Bx=1, By=5, and Bz=2. What is dot (scalar product) of vectors A and B?

57 / 200

In special theory of relativity, the law of conservation of energy and law of conservation of mass have been replaced with

58 / 200

 In a magnetic field, a photon passing through it are deflected towards.

59 / 200

 If the amount of work W is required to move a charge Q from one point to another then the potential difference between the two points is given by

60 / 200

If the acceleration of a body in one inertial frame is zero, its acceleration in any other inertial frames is

61 / 200

If a moving object has no force acting on it.

62 / 200

Circular periodic waves can be generated

63 / 200

Centrifugal force =

64 / 200

Angular displacement is measured in

65 / 200

 According to first law of thermodynamics, what is the relationship between the change in the internal energy of a closed system ΔU, the head added to the system (Q) and the work done by the system W

66 / 200

According to Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom, electrons move in specific orbits around the nucleus called.

67 / 200

At the end of 14 min, 1/16 of a sample of radioactive polonium remains. The corresponding half-life is:

68 / 200

The decay constant of sodium (Na) is 0.0000128 /s. The half-life of sodium is:

69 / 200

 K-a rays are generated when transition of an electron occurs from:

70 / 200

Accelerating electromagnetic charges radiate electromagnetic waves which propagate at the

71 / 200


A wave is characterised by the physical parameters:

72 / 200

A train travels on a straight track passing signal A at 20 m/s. It accelerates uniformly at 2 m/s^2 and reaches signal B 100m further than A. At B the velocity of the train in m/s is

73 / 200

A three-dimensional image of remarkable quality can be achieved by modern version of microscope called:

74 / 200

A resistor has a resistance of 200 ohms. If a current of 0.5 amperes flows through it, what is the voltage drop across the resistor?

75 / 200

A man standing in an elevator on the third floor of a building. What is the primary factor that determines the man’s kinetic energy?

76 / 200

 A magnet is suspended from a spring and it oscillates in and out of a coil placed vertically below it. A galvanometer is connected to the coil and it shows?

77 / 200

A boy raises an object of mass 10Kg vertically above his head through a height of 5m. The potential energy stored in the body is:____

78 / 200

A ball thrown vertically upwards will have constant _____ and a varying _______

79 / 200

_____ law states that the magnitude of the force between 2-point charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

80 / 200

A well-known physical change is melting of ice. The melting of ice is favoured by:

81 / 200

Amount of heat absorbed, when one mole of liquid changes to gas at its boiling point is called:

82 / 200

An unknown element having electronic configuration [Ne] 5s2 5p5 will be.

83 / 200

Brass is an alloy of

84 / 200

Compound X reacts with Grignard’s reagent to produce tertiary alcohols. What is the compound?

85 / 200

Enantiomers are examples of

86 / 200

Flame tests identify alkali metals when they are burnt, which of the combinations given is the correct one?

87 / 200

For an endothermic reaction, H represents the enthalpy of reaction. The minimum value for the energy for activation will?

88 / 200

Greater the resonance energy of a molecule?

89 / 200

H2O has geometry:

90 / 200

 Humans are unable to digest:

91 / 200

If the work is done by the system on the surroundings and heat is absorbed by the system from the surroundings the change in internal energy E will be

92 / 200

In a rate equation, rate=k[A] [B], the reaction is

93 / 200

In crystalline structure, when the length of all axes and angles are unequal then crystal will be.

94 / 200

In following molecules which one has the shortest C-C bond length?

95 / 200

In the presence of which of the following, Wolf-Kishner reduction of aldehydes is carried out?

96 / 200

 In the IUPAC system Carboxylic acid is also called _____

97 / 200

Increasing the compressibility of a gas (Z) decreases its.

98 / 200

Lucas test is based on?

99 / 200

One molecule of oxygen has the same mass as

100 / 200

Oxidation of Secondary alcohol gives which of the following products?

101 / 200

Select the correct IUPAC name among the following:

102 / 200

Silver Mirror with Tollens Reagent is formed by

103 / 200

Super batteries with high charge density are also called:

104 / 200

The bond that determines the secondary structure of protein is:

105 / 200

The correct order of reactivity of alkyl halides is.

106 / 200

The correct sequence according to acidity of alcohols is.

107 / 200

The element chlorine is found in a gaseous state while bromine is found in:

108 / 200

The final substitution product in the Chlorination of methane in the presence of UV light and excess chlorine is.

109 / 200

 The number of particles (atoms, molecules, tons) in one mole of any substance is numerically equal to

110 / 200

The reactant which consumes first in a chemical reaction is called?

111 / 200

The SI unit of pressure is.

112 / 200

The specific heat of water is.

113 / 200

The substituent attached to the benzene ring that act as Ring deactivator is.

114 / 200

The tautomer of propanol is

115 / 200

The Volume of a fixed mass of gas is directly. proportional to absolute temperature and constant pressure as stated by

116 / 200

What is the other name for Positive rays?

117 / 200

What is the radius of 3rd orbit of electron in H- atom.

118 / 200

What is the reason of small atomic radii of sodium ions as compared to sodium atom?

119 / 200

What mass of CaCO3 gives 48.8 litres (measured at STP) of CO2, on strong heating?_____.

120 / 200

When an element occurs in different physical forms it is called ______.

121 / 200

Which compound is formed when Magnesium is reacted with 2 molecules of water?

122 / 200

Which method is generally used to prepare alkynes?

123 / 200

Which of the following cell reactions correctly represent the electrolysis of water?

124 / 200

Which of the following organic acid does NOT have a COOH group?

125 / 200

Which of the following prefixes is used when two methyl groups are attached with the second last carbon of alkane chain?

126 / 200

Which of the following represents the functional group of acid halides?

127 / 200

Which of the following spectral lines series lies in the visible Region?

128 / 200

Which one is more metallic?

129 / 200

Which one the following is a Nucleophile

130 / 200

 Which pair of ions have five unpaired d-electrons?

131 / 200

Which reaction will proceed in forward direction?

132 / 200

X is a compound that do not react with Na metal but produces carboxylic acid when heated under reflux with acidified potassium dichromate?

133 / 200

All animals begin life as a ______.

134 / 200

Adding substrates will NOT make a difference to the enzyme catalysed reaction:

135 / 200

The cerebellum is primarily concerned with:

136 / 200

What is ‘Flavin adenine dinucleotide’?

137 / 200

Purines are ______ nitrogenous bases.

138 / 200

Which of the following can be effective in preventing

viral infection in humans?

139 / 200

Alternation of generation is the character of phylum?

140 / 200

Which structure is responsible for the excretion in Arthropods?

141 / 200

Parazoa are simple multicellular animals which are believed to have evolved from?

142 / 200

Which of the following types of Haemophilia is more common in the human population?

143 / 200

When are Rh antibodies produced in Rh-ve persons?

144 / 200

How many actin filaments surround the myosin at each end

145 / 200

Which cartilage is found at the end of long bones?

146 / 200

At the beginning of the menstrual phase the ______ are the lowest level.

147 / 200

Which among the following is NOT the role of Sertoli cells?____

148 / 200

Endospore formation is ______

149 / 200

Which of the following is a prokaryote?

150 / 200

 Which of the following is true about bradykinin?

151 / 200

Where does the Trachea tie in relation to the oesophagus?

152 / 200

The sinoatrial node is located in the ______ wall of the right atrium.

153 / 200

Darwin’s “Origin of species by natural selection is mainly concerned with:

154 / 200

According to Neo-Darwinism, which of the following is a case of evolution?

155 / 200

All of the following are true about-neutrophils. EXCEPT:

156 / 200

Which of the following is an example of hydrolase:

157 / 200

Which part of the brain plays a key role in long term memory?

158 / 200

The neuron is said to be polarized when the:

159 / 200

 ______ regulates the selective permeability of the plasma membrane, allowing movement of molecules according to the needs of the cells.

160 / 200

Which mode of genetic exchange between bacteria involves cell-to-cell contact between the bacterial cells?Which mode of genetic exchange between bacteria involves cell-to-cell contact between the bacterial cells?

161 / 200

_______ is the heat required to convert a gram of water into vapours at its boiling point.

162 / 200

Sucrose is hydrolysed into:

163 / 200

What is the number of carbon atoms in Pyruvic acid?

164 / 200

In the non-cyclic electron transport of light reaction, the deficit of electrons occur in the chlorophyll, as it absorbs energy

165 / 200

The protein coat surrounding the genome of virus is called:

166 / 200

An additional covering surrounds the cell wall of /some bacteria that either prevents the bacteria from blog phagocytosed by host cells or helps them to make biofilm.

Which of the following term is used for this covering?

167 / 200

Viruses are NOT classified based on:

168 / 200

The cells of the endoderm of Coelenterates are specialised for:

169 / 200

The carotenoids absorb light in the visible spectrum between _____ and _____ wavelengths.

170 / 200

Locus of a gene on a chromosome means its:

171 / 200

Hip joint and shoulder joint are examples of:

172 / 200

The genome of the Human Immunodeficiency VIrus (HIV) is made up of:

173 / 200

A bacterium with single polar flagellum is:

174 / 200

Cytotoxic T-Cells ______

175 / 200

Who proposed the concept that an organism can pass on acquired modifications to its offspring?

176 / 200

 Enzymes are…

177 / 200

The total number of cranial nerves in a human body are.

178 / 200

The cells of the non virulent strain of Streptococcus pneumonia are:

179 / 200

Which of the following is the opposite of condensation reaction?

180 / 200

Glucose is classified as a

181 / 200

Which of the following is a rod shape virus?

182 / 200

Mendel’s law of independent assortment can be explained by:

183 / 200

 In breastfeeding mothers, which hormone would be at an increased level?

184 / 200

Which component is present only in the cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria but NOT in Gram negative bacteria.

185 / 200

Thymus gland is involved in maturation of which of the following?

186 / 200

All are properties of water, EXCLUDING

187 / 200

Which of the following is true about the occurrence of erythroblastosis foetalis?

188 / 200

Which of the following is known as the vessels of the vessels?

189 / 200

What alters the shape of enzymes and makes them functional

190 / 200

What brings membrane potential to threshold?

191 / 200

A shallow groove in cerebrum is called ______ and deep groove is called _____.

192 / 200

Function of the nucleolus is to form:

193 / 200

Storage diseases are caused by the excessive accumulation of substances within the cell, due to defects(mutations) in one of the _____ enzymes.

194 / 200

The co-enzyme NAD is made up of?

195 / 200

Which is the factory for synthesis of sugars in autotrophic eukaryotes?

196 / 200

A male or female child of an affected mother has 50% chance of acquiring the disorder. Such a disorder is:

197 / 200

 Muscle fatigue results due to deficiency of ______ and excess accumulation of _____.

198 / 200

 The incubation period of Syphilis is:

199 / 200

 Autoclave chambers are used for ____ of surgical instruments?

200 / 200

Cell death due to tissue damage is called?

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