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The National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) MDCAT syllabus is designed to evaluate the comprehensive pattern followed in NUMS entry Tests.

MDCAT Entry Test Preparations

MDCAT Entry Test Preparations

The NUMS syllabus primarily covers four major subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and English. In Biology, students are expected to have a firm grasp of topics such as cell biology, genetics, human physiology, plant physiology, and evolution. In Chemistry, the syllabus includes inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. Key areas of focus include atomic structure, chemical bonding, thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, hydrocarbons, and biomolecules. The Physics section encompasses topics like mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics. Lastly, the English section assesses students’ proficiency in the language, focusing on grammar, comprehension, and vocabulary. It includes understanding passages, sentence completion, synonyms, antonyms, and correct usage of grammar.

Related: MDCAT Past Papers

The National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT) is a pivotal step for students aspiring to enter the medical field in Pakistan.

For Biology, which constitutes 35% of the test, Chemistry and Physics, each making up 25% of the test. The English section, accounting for 10% of the test

The difficulty level of the NUMS MDCAT questions is categorized into easy (25%), moderate (60%), and hard (15%), allowing for a balanced assessment that recognizes varying levels of mastery among students.



Additionally, the MDCAT includes a psychological test component, which carries 5% weightage. This section is designed to gauge the candidates’ aptitude and mental robustness, qualities that are crucial for succeeding in the demanding environment of medical studies.

Related: MDCAT Mock Tests Online

Aspirants need to note that the NUMS MDCAT syllabus provides a detailed outline of the topics to be studied For those preparing for the MDCAT, accessing the latest syllabus is crucial. The official NUMS website and PakLearningSpot website offer downloadable PDF versions of the syllabus, allowing students to tailor their study plans accordingly.

For FREE entry test preparations Must Visit the PakLearningSpot website to get thousands of MCQs, Past Papers and Mock tests.


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